An elderly gentleman is using his scooter to get around

Falling: The Most Common Geriatric Injury

Each year, around 3 million older adults are treated in emergency rooms for fall related injuries. Falling and fall related injuries consists of 40% of all geriatric traumatic deaths in the elderly community. Falling is a huge danger for seniors because of the risks associated with the fall. One out of five falls results in a broken or fractured bone. In fact, 95% of hip fractures are because of someone falling down on their side.

Fall related injuries can be very disruptive to everyday life since they usually have a longer recovery period. South Coast Post Acute understands that falls are accidental and we want to help you avoid them at all costs. Here is what our south coast skilled staff recommends to ensure that people in a post care community are staying safe.

Wear Sensible Shoes
Footwear is a very simple change that one can make in order to decrease the chance of falling. Flip-flops, high heels, and socks all provide limited support and traction when walking, thus increasing the likelihood of a fall. Choosing sneakers that have non-slip soles will ensure a more stable placement when moving around.

Remove Tripping Hazards
Everyday objects that are lying around the house can easily become tripping hazards if they are not secured. Adhere loose rugs to the floors by using double-sided tape. Clear heavily trafficked areas like hallways and staircases of all items like newspapers, books, and wires. Replace bath mats and rugs with their non-slip alternatives. Store frequently used items in easily accessible places.

Keep Assistive Devices Close
If walking is particularly challenging, then doctors may suggest using assistive devices like walkers and canes to ensure proper support. Be sure to keep these devices on hand at all times. If one needs extra support throughout the household, install handrails along staircases and in showers.

South Coast Post Acute understands how falls can impact physical health and deters daily activities. Our post-acute care community is here to provide any necessary information that you may want. For more information on how to limit the risk of falling, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Real People. Remarkable Care. South Coast Post Acute.

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