A person standing on a rock looking at a pinkish sunset post-acute care

Avoid Stumbling at the Finish Line

Holidays are supposed to be relaxing. But let’s be honest, they often add more work and stress to your daily life! This spans across industries and does not discriminate against caregivers like you. As a caregiver in a Post-acute care community, this time of year can drain your energy and willpower to finish the year strong.

So, how do you get through the holidays and keep your work ethic high? We have 3 tips that will make your life in post-acute care easier.

  1. Task Focus: Complete all important tasks from start to finish without starting a new one. Multi-tasking is wonderful but it can make you feel overwhelmed in a post-acute care community. Avoid doing too much at one time and focus on the priority.
  2. Extra Time: You should give yourself an allotted time per task. As an example, 20 minutes to tidy the house, 30 Minutes spent with patients doing activities, and so on. This helps you to organize your day and not feel like things are just piling up around you.
  3. You Time: Caregiving is not a walk in the park. It is not too much to ask other family members for a short break. There are people in post-acute care who are depending on your selflessness and your energy to help them at difficult stages in their life. Be good to yourself.

You can’t take care of someone else’s needs if you first don’t learn to take care of your own!

Contact us today to learn  how our post-acute facilities can help!

Real People. Remarkable Care. South Coast Post-Acute.  

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