A Graffiti image of a COVID-19 face mask on a white building

Adjusting to the COVID-19 Crisis: Post-Acute Care

Notable adjustments impacting post-acute providers have been made during the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes include standardizing payment conditions, participation for post-acute providers, and increased patient access. 

3-Day Rule Waiver

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has waived the requirement for a 3-day inpatient hospital stay before SNF admission. 

Patients can utilize the SNF 3-day rule, if, they do not reside in a nursing home or SNF long-term care at the time of admission to the SNF and meet all CMS criteria:

  • Medically stable
  • Confirmed diagnoses
  • Not requiring evaluation or treatment
  • Have a skilled nursing or rehabilitation need that cannot be provided
  • On an outpatient basis or through home health services

Expanding Telehealth Coverage

The Telehealth Services During Certain Emergency Periods Act of 2020 (TSDCEPA) allowed Health and Human Services (HHS) to waive Medicare’s qualifying site limitation.

Pivotal Daily Operations in Post-Acute Care

Facilities have ramped up sanitation and hygienic procedures increasing the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) used. Limiting family and friends visits. This helps reduce the risk but increases budgetary constraints. Providers must address any unbudgeted costs and policy changes to minimize challenges.

COVID-19 Adjustments at South Coast Post Acute 

Awarded one of the 2020 Newsweek’s Best Nursing Homes in California, South Coast Post Acute continues to maintain a properly hygienic facility to best care for our community during the COVID-19 crisis. We believe that prevention and care can go a long way in keeping patients protected. Contact us today to begin your journey to recovery.

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