Healthcare worker giving comfort to patient sitting down in senior care facility

Downsizing and Organizing When Relocating

Organizing home furnishings and daily living items or downsizing and relocating to a smaller living area are large tasks that are thrust on senior home owners. Sometimes the need to do this is brought on by injury or age related illness. The decision to downsize is not an easy one. There is a growing industry of specialists who understand these challenges of elderly homeowners and are ready to help with remodeling, organizing or the sale of the home and with the move to a new location.

A professional organizer can make a home safe and manageable. Relocating furniture, removing hazards such as electrical cords, throw rugs and heavy objects on shelves are some of the ways they can make a home more senior friendly. A professional organizer specializes in helping seniors part with items that clutter or have no valued use, so to make rooms less crowded or to make ready for a move to a smaller living space. If moving to a smaller retirement home or care facility, things will be easier with a professional organizer.

A move often requires downsizing and getting rid of a tremendous number of acquired possessions. A relocation specialist will typically provide a turnkey operation that includes assessing and identifying items to keep, arranging for auction or other disposal, cleaning the home, moving the belongings and setting up the new residence. The manager may work with a real estate agent to arrange for the sale of the home when needed.

But how do seniors choose the right service provider for their needs? How do you find someone qualified, responsible and honest? Area Agencies on Aging and the Better Business Bureau are good resources to check out available service providers. Family, friends and religious leaders can be valuable resources when finding the right person.


Real People. Remarkable Care. South Coast Post Acute.

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